Principal’s Desk
Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents,
We are happy to be back and how! Not that we ever took a breather. But yes, the pandemic did put a forced break on our ‘physical’ presence. Shifting education ‘online’ was the ‘new normal’ and we, at Delhi Public School Ruby Park, judiciously used the time to revamp, attune and upskill ourselves. Our sole focus concentrating on eradicating any teaching-learning gap and engaging students in interesting and insightful lessons. It was a job well-done by our team of diligent and meticulous planners and educators.
But that was 2020. The New Year has ushered a new beginning. DPS Ruby Park has opened its gates yet again to warmly welcome freshers and scholars alike. Better-prepared, better-suited and equipped with the best of technology, we are raring to go, pick up from where we had left off and continue doing what we do best. Moulding those mounds of clay into mature, confident and responsible leaders of tomorrow with a remarkable sense of duty as human beings.
If today we have managed to carve a niche for ourselves, it has been because of your constant support and unwavering faith in our efforts and attempts, dear parents. We, as a team, cannot thank you enough and continue to hope and believe that we shall work in unison for the best interests of our young minds.